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CANCELLED- Planning Board Meeting

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February 12 @ 4:00 pm 6:30 pm

The February 12, 2025 Planning Board meeting has been cancelled. The next scheduled meeting will be on Wednesday, March 12 at 4:00 p.m.

In order to facilitate open communication, the Town of Duck encourages the community to participate in its government! At regularly scheduled meetings of the Planning Board, a time of “PUBLIC COMMENT” will be set aside at the beginning of each meeting. This is a time for anyone to address the Planning Board on any matter not on the agenda for that meeting. In the interest of time, the Chairperson may set and enforce appropriate time limits for comments. During all meetings, courteousness and quiet consideration for all those present is requested.

For more information about the Town of Duck Planning Board, its meetings and rules of procedures, please refer to the Planning Board page.