Development Permits and Forms

As of May 1, 2010, the Town has changed the forms and procedures required to apply for general development permits including building, trade, floodplain, and land disturbance permits. Applicants will now submit one form, the Development Permit Application (included below), which covers the following activities:

  • Work which would have previously required a general building permit (Building Permit)
  • Work performed by licensed trade professionals (Individual Trade Permit)
  • Land Disturbing activities including filling, grading, driveways, stormwater retention and conveyance, and placement of small accessory structures (Land Disturbance Permit)
  • Development in a Special Flood Hazard Area (Floodplain Permit)
  • Demolition of structures (Demolition Permit)
  • House moving (House Moving Permit)
  • Erecting or modifying signs (Sign Permit)

Additionally, applicants will no longer be required to fill out separate authorization forms covering Vegetation Management/Tree Removal, Workers’ Compensation Coverage, or the Property Owners’ Association Disclaimer. This information is now completed as part of the Development Permit Application form. The Development Application form is included below.

Development Forms and Building Permits

Application for building, trade, floodplain, and/or land disturbance permits
Click here to apply for a permit online.
A PDF can be found here: Development Permit Application

Owner Authorization for projects with construction cost of $40,000 or less
(required from Owner and Agent with submission of Building Permit Application)
Owner Authorization (projects under 40K)

Property Owner certification for nonrental parking deferral
Allows for the deferral of parking spaces provided the property is not in a rental program, and provided a survey is submitted showing the parking requirements can be met if the property converts to a rental or is sold. This certification and approved survey must be filed with the Register of Deeds.
Property Owner Parking Deferral

Application for authorization of temporary electrical connection prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy
(Several requirements must be met and an inspection performed prior to release of power)
Temporary Electrical Connection Authorization Form

Appendix B – Building Code Summary for All Commercial Projects.
This form is required to be completed and submitted either on the building plans or separately with any permit application involving commercial projects
Appendix B – Commercial Projects

V zone Certification.
This form is required for all development that occurs in High Velocity (v) Flood Zones. This form needs to be completed by a licensed North Carolina engineer or architect.
V Zone Certification

Licensed Trade Release Forms

****Release Forms MUST be signed by the Licensee/Qualifier****

Electric: Electrical Contractor Release Form
Gas/Fuel Piping: Gas Contractor Release Form
Mechanical: Mechanical Contractor Release Form
Plumbing: Plumbing Contractor Release Form

If you have a particular question with regard to any of the forms listed above, please e-mail us at and reference “Permit Forms” in the subject. If you require these forms in a different format, please contact our office or e-mail us and we will be glad to send you the forms in Word format.

In the interest of being green, informational guides that were previously supplied to applicants upon permit issuance will no longer be provided unless specifically requested by the applicant. Such forms can be found on our Community Development Guidelines page and would include, but are not limited to, documents such as a list of typical inspections, survey requirements and pool barrier guidelines. We hope you understand our interest in protecting the environment.

Fees are published in the adopted fee schedule and are subject to change.