Request for Proposal | American Beach Grass, Sea Oat, Bitter Panicum Planting & Fertilization Project

The Town of Duck is seeking proposals from qualified contractors to implement the following project.

American Beach Grass, Sea Oat, Bitter Panicum Planting & Fertilization Project 

PDF of Complete Proposal
Addendum 1
Addendum 2
Bid Sheet

Plant American Beach Grass from crest of dune, east to 3’ from the east toe of the dune to include:

  • Two beach grass sprigs (type ‘cape’) installed a minimum of 8” deep on 18” centers, not to exceed 8 rows deep;
  • Fertilize with 18-6-6 or 16-8-8 (400 lbs per acre broadcasted across top of planted beach grass)

Contractor shall provide total cost per linear foot based upon approximately 17,006 linear feet running from the northern limits of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) property to the northern Town limits and approximately 10,225 linear feet from the southern Town limits to the USACOE Property beginning the July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2028. The total linear footage for American Beach grass planting is subject to a linear foot reduction not to exceed 7,000 feet dependent on volunteer planting efforts.

Click here for more information.