Inspector’s Corner

Thinking about a renovation or building project? Get the information you need right here! The Inspector’s Corner provides information about building permits and requirements to ensure your project goes smoothly and meets all safety regulations. Browse our resources or contact our office to discuss your plans and avoid any delays.

Did you know that even small repairs to your guard rails might require a building permit? It’s true! While replacing a few pickets under $40,000 doesn’t need a permit, guard rail posts are considered structural components, therefore requiring a building permit.

Here’s the important takeaway: Safety first! Even if a permit isn’t required, your guard rails still need to meet North Carolina’s residential building code standards. This ensures your family and guests are protected from falls.

What can you do?

  • Ask your contractor to get a permit. This way, you can be sure the work is done right and meets code.
  • We offer courtesy inspections, even for permit-exempt projects. We suggest scheduling a courtesy inspection to insure compliance. Just give us a call to schedule one once your project is completed, and our inspector will ensure your guard rails are safe and up to code. 

Remember: Your safety is our priority. Let’s work together to keep our homes secure.

Did you know that Hot tub replacements require that connections be made by NC licensed electricians?

Although a hot tub replacement may seem like a quick and simple task to the installers, a potential hazard exists when the unit wiring is performed by a non- licensed electrician. The NC State building and electrical code requires this wiring to be performed by a licensed qualified individual. Previous wiring may not meet the electrical code due to the work previously performed by a non-qualified individual, or code changes.  A permit is required for this task and a final inspection must be conducted by the Building Inspector. 

Another potential issue, unless the unit is sitting on a concrete pad, is the integrity of the structure that the hot tub is to be set on. Typically, newer hot tubs are larger and have a higher capacity of water and people. Therefore, the existing deck where the hot tub has been located may no longer be structurally sound to support it. If the structure appears to be sagging, weakened and has single rather than double 16” on center joist spacing, then it’s probably not going to support the unit.

Please make sure permits are acquired before the installation of a new hot tub.  Violators are subject to double permit fees and may be subject to an investigation by the state licensing board.  We don’t want to see that happen so take the time to submit a permit.  Let us help you make your hot tub safe and enjoyable. Click here for permits and forms.

Electric vehicle ownership continues to experience big jumps in North Carolina. With increased use, many people are finding it convenient to install personal charging stations located at residences throughout Duck. 

Although the installation of a 240 Volt charging station may appear to some property owners as a D-I-Y project, installation must be permitted by the Town of Duck and the work must be completed by a NC Licensed Electrician.  So, when you consider installing your personal EV charging station, do it correctly and please contact the Town of Duck to begin the permitting process. 

An unpermitted installation is not only illegal, but dangerous.  If you suspect an unpermitted installation, please contact the Town of Duck so that we may help bring the situation into compliance.

To be consistent with other municipalities and the NC Building code Interpretations, the following requirements will apply to Cargo Lifts.

  • An Engineered foundation for our wind zone to prevent uplift.
  • Micro switches to prevent the doors to open at deck level without the platform in place
  • A safety switch to prevent the lift from lowering when an obstruction is detected underneath
  • A bar to prevent a person from using the lift as an elevator. This will be followed up with a certification letter stating that the installation meets the requirements of ASME 18.1.

 Note: Where the deck railing system remains in place without a door, a door switch will not be required. A Foundation and a Final Inspection will be required.

The off season can be an opportune time to wipe out important projects, like replacing or upgrading your septic system, and the Town of Duck wants to help make sure you don’t get backed up by forgetting to submit a land disturbance permit. 

Whether repairing drain fields in the same footprint, installing a larger system, or even putting in a brand-new engineered system, all septic work in the Town of Duck requires a land disturbance permit.  When coupled with required approval from Dare County Environmental Health Services our land disturbance permit can help insure your project flows smoothly along.

While it is the duty of your contractor to ensure installation is done just right, a land disturbance permit helps ensure nothing falls through the cracks.  Members of our Department of Community Development perform routine inspections to mitigate unnecessary vegetation removal, ensure erosion controls are in place, confirm a secure inlet pipe to tank connection and certify land stabilization at the end of the project. 

Aside from making sure the project comes out right, the Town also reviews how septic upgrades may affect occupancy.  In turn, occupancy effects zoning ordinances like parking requirements and the number of trash and recycling cans needed at your property.  By submitting a land disturbance permit, impacts to parking and solid waste are reviewed up front and allow you to escape problems further down the pipe. 

So, before your next septic project, remember, don’t get flush, and reach out to the Town to submit your land disturbance permit.