The Teresa Court Stormwater Improvements project in the Ocean Dunes neighborhood aims to address persistent flooding issues by incorporating nature-based stormwater management solutions. This includes replacing a flood-prone asphalt cul-de-sac with permeable pavers, installing a central bioretention basin, and constructing a dry detention bioswale along the street’s edge. These enhancements will reduce impervious surfaces, increase stormwater storage, and mitigate flooding on Teresa Court and surrounding properties. Chosen by the Town of Duck as a model project, this initiative showcases three innovative stormwater solutions and offers a replicable example for other coastal communities seeking to improve their own stormwater management strategies.
Click here to view a PDF of the proposed site improvements.
Click here for a PDF of the project specifications.
As owner of the Teresa Court cul-de-sac (and responsible for its maintenance), the N.C. Department of Transportation has been consulted during development of the plans and will have to issue a permit for the project. Local utility companies have also been involved during the design stage to provide information about current utilities and input about relocating utilities to avoid conflicts.
Teresa Court property owners and neighborhood leaders have been made aware of the impending improvements and the Town will continue to communicate with these contacts throughout the project.
- VHB is in the process of preparing final surveys/plans/specifications for submission.
- The construction plans must be reviewed and permitted by the N.C. Department of Transportation.
- A bid process will be conducted and the bid awarded to the selected contractor.
- The Town will engage in construction coordination with affected property owners.
- During/following the construction process, Town staff will organize a public education component accompanying the project.
With the assistance of an RCCP grant, the Town of Duck first completed a study of resilience strategies involving the community in setting coastal resilience goals, assessing the existing conditions and needed resources, and identifying and prioritizing projects to enhance the community’s resilience and response to coastal hazards.
With funding matched by another RCCP grant, the Town then took the next step of working with a planning/engineering consultant to develop a neighborhood stormwater management study focused on five flood-prone basins in Duck. This study involved significant neighborhood participation to identify issues and causes of flooding, develop potential stormwater management solutions, and identify the solutions most suitable for each area studied.