Town Ordinances Online
The Town of Duck has uploaded its ordinances to the American Legal Publishing website. Recently approved ordinances can be found below until they are uploaded to American Legal Publishing.
If you have any questions on these ordinances, or on how to use the site, please contact the Town’s Department of Community Development at (252) 255-1234.
Below is a list of ordinances that have not yet been incorporated into the American Legal Publishing website.
22-02 Capital Project Ordinance for the Town of Duck
22-03 Removing Criminal Sanctions and Penalties
22-04 Amending Flood Damage Prevention Standards Ordinance
22-05 Allowing Residential Duplexes as a Permitted Use in C-1 Zoning Districts
22-06 Amending 22-02- Capital Project Ordinance
22-07 Clarifying Lot Coverage Allowances for Residential Properties Ordinance
22-08 Clarifying Setback and Elevation Requirements for Dune Walkovers Ordinance
22-10 Amending Ordinance 17-06 Regulatory Standards for Dune Walkover Structures
23-03 Clarifying Standards and Enforcement Provisions for Solid Waste Collection
23-04 Amending Speed Limit Ordinance
23-06 Amending Ordinance 09-04 Beach and Dune Management Ordinance
23-07 Amending Planning Board Description and Duties Ordinance
23-08 Adding a Definition of Drug Paraphernalia Sales to the Zoning Chapter of the Town Code
23-09 Allowing Board of Adjustment to Grant Continuances
23-10 Amending Town Code to Clarify Standards for Wireless Telecommunication Facilities Ordinance
23-11 Removing Planning Board from Special Use Permit Ordinance
23-12 Amending Parking Standards by Clarifying Crush and Run as Impervious Ordinance
23-14 Amending the Definition of Building Height in Flood Zone Ordinance
23-15 Amending the Chapter 94 Beach and Dune Management Ordinance
23-16 Defining and Regulating Business License and Registration Ordinance
24-01 Adding Section 130-05 Balloon Release Ordinance
24-02 Amending Sections Regarding Golf Carts Ordinance
24-04 Updating Definitions and Standards for Lot Coverage Ordinance
24-05 Amending Section 70.05 Regulating Golf Carts Ordinance
24-07 Correcting and Updating Two Sections of Town Code Ordinance