Stunning Sunsets, Natural Beauty, Soundside Activities, Amazing Music, Family Fun
The Duck Town Park and Soundside Boardwalk are located in the heart of Duck.
The Town Park features 11 acres of natural beauty including trails through the maritime forest and willow swamp, open green space, soundside views, and access to the Duck Boardwalk. The Duck Boardwalk extends nearly a mile along the Currituck Sound and can be accessed from the Town Park and other locations throughout the Town’s Village Commercial District. Please see the map below for details. The boardwalk allows residents and visitors alike to enjoy the beauty and nature of the area, visit some of our fine retail establishments, eateries, or just relax and enjoy the day.
Duck Boardwalk Information
Park and Boardwalk Operating Hours
The Duck Town Park is open from dawn until dusk.
The Duck Boardwalk is open from dawn until 1:00 a.m.
Click image to enlarge the Walking Map.

Duck Town Park Amenities
- Soundside boardwalk
- Amphitheater
- Public kayak/canoe launch
- Four-slip, transient use boat piers are located at the southern and northern ends of the boardwalk
- Picnic shelter
- Playground
- Gazebo
- Water fountains, including a special one for our canine friends
- Walking trails throughout the park
- Summer events for everyone to enjoy
- Annual Duck Jazz Festival over Columbus Day weekend
Park and Boardwalk Rules
Please enjoy the Town Park and Boardwalk responsibly. The Park and Boardwalk are designed to be passive recreational facilities, so please be courteous and aware of others and follow all the rules. A short list of the rules is posted at the entrances to the Park in the kiosks for your convenience. For a complete set of rules, click here. Some key items to remember follow:
- Bicycles must be walked or left at bicycle rack provided in the Town Park.
- Skateboards, roller blades, and motorized vehicles are prohibited in the park and on the boardwalk.
- Pets must be on a leash. Owners are required to clean up after their pets. Special receptacles are located within the park and on the boardwalk.
- Please dispose of all trash, including pet waste, in the appropriate receptacles.
- Smoking is not permitted on the boardwalk, in the park, or at any town facilities.
- Fish and crab in the designated areas only. Fishing licenses are required to fish from the fishing and crabbing platform for anyone over the age of 15. Fishing is regulated by the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources Division of Marine Fisheries. For license information, click here. For additional information, visit the NCDMF site.
- The launch area in the Park should only be used for canoes, kayaks, and stand up paddle boards. It is not to be used to enter the Currituck Sound for any other purpose or to dock any motorized vehicles. No kayaks canoes, or paddle boards may be left within the Town Park overnight.
- Watercraft may be tied up to the public pier/slips for short-period use, not to exceed four hours. The public boat pier is located at both the southern and northern ends of the boardwalk.
- Children under the age of 12 should be under the supervision of an adult.
- Hunting, chasing, feeding, or otherwise harassing wildlife in the park and along the boardwalk is prohibited.
- Swimming, wading, or diving or otherwise entering the Currituck Sound from the shoreline of the park, the boardwalk, or boat pier that is not related to the launching, docking, or rescuing of authorized watercraft is prohibited.
- Open fires and the use of grills or other cooking devices is prohibited.
- Footwear is required.
- The park and boardwalk may not be reserved for weddings.
- The boardwalk system is designed for passive use and cannot be reserved. Town-sponsored events take precedence over all other users.
- Commercial activity within the Town Park and on the boardwalk is prohibited.
Park and Boardwalk Fun Facts
- The Duck Town Park consists of approximately 11 acres of soundfront property. The first parcel was purchased in the fall of 2003 for $4.5 million from Food Lion. Food Lion had purchased the property to construct a grocery store. The second parcel was purchased in the summer of 2006 from the Herron Family for $1.25 million.
- There are four distinct vegetative communities located in the Town Park property. These are the maritime deciduous forest, the maritime evergreen forest, the willow swamp, and the marsh.
- The maritime deciduous forest is located in the southern portion of the park property on the high ground and is dominated by pignut hickory, southern red oak, Darlington oak, and sweet gum trees.
- The maritime evergreen forest is located just north of the maritime deciduous forest and is differentiated by the presence of significant live oak trees. Together, these maritime forests represent a rare and endangered plant community found only on the eastern North Carolina seacoast.
- The willow swamp is located on the northern portion of the Town Park property between the Currituck Sound and the northern parking area and bluestone trails. It is dominated by large Carolina willow and red maple trees.
- Marsh communities are found along the soundside of the Town Park property where conditions are favorable.
- The Town Park was designed by the Municipal Property Master Plan Study Committee, a citizen committee comprised of seven Town of Duck property owners after receiving public comments at public meetings and through surveys. A second committee, the Municipal Property Master Plan Advisory Committee, comprised of four property owners, advises the Town Council and staff on the implementation of the plan.
- The Municipal Property Master Plan consists of four phases. Phases I, II are complete and include the construction of the soundside boardwalk and canoe/kayak launch, the northern drive entrance and parking area, crushed blue stone trails, picnic shelter, gazebo/stage, and playground. Phase III included the addition of a 350 seat amphitheater which was completed in September 2009. Phase IV consists of the construction of Town municipal offices and community meeting space completed in early 2012. All structures within the park are designed to preserve Duck’s coastal village atmosphere and blend in with the park’s natural environment.
- Phase I and II of the Municipal Property Master Plan were completed at a combined cost of $1,137,033. 59% of this total, or $669,350 was derived from grant funds ($444,350 from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources and $225,000 from the Outer Banks Visitors Bureau).
- The total cost of the boardwalk was $1,530,770 ($1,359,919.23 in construction costs; $143,927 for the solar lighting; and $26,924 for signage, benches, trash cans and other amenities). It is a total of 3,386 linear feet (4,149 linear feet including the northern boat pier and other access points). The boardwalk is ten feet wide and is held up by approximately 916 pilings that are embedded a minimum of eight feet into the ground. There are approximately 15,155 pickets in the railings of the boardwalk, 285 lights and 5 solar stations to power the lights.
- The amphitheater cost just under $250,000 to construct ($125,000 of which was from a grant from the Outer Banks Visitors Bureau). It was completed ahead of schedule and a grand opening event was held on Friday, September 18, 2009. It was constructed to blend in with the natural environment and provide a venue for professional stage productions for the Town.
- The northern drive entrance and parking area is constructed using the Gravelpave2 product. This product is 100% pervious and aesthetically pleasing, yet durable enough to withstand constant use by motor vehicles. In addition, bikes, wheelchairs, and baby carriages can easily move on the surface. (Note: pervious means that water can flow directly through the surface and into the ground.)
- The trails throughout the park are constructed from crushed bluestone, a pervious surface that also meets accessibility standards. There are 1,699 linear feet (0.32 miles) of crushed bluestone trails in the park.
- The picnic shelter measures 768 square feet in area. The gazebo/stage is 841 square feet in area (the open area is 609 square feet and the storage area is 232 square feet in area). Both structures are characterized by cedar shake roofs and concrete floors. The gazebo stage also has cedar shake siding.
- The playground is designed for use by children ages five through twelve and is highlighted by a climbing wall, slide, and the xcelerator, a ride sure to stir your child’s soul.
- The park has twenty-one benches, fifteen trash cans, five picnic tables, three bike racks, and three dogipots. There is currently one water fountain, complete with a dog-friendly unit, located in the park near the playground.
- Construction on the Duck Town Hall and Community/Meeting Facility began in December 2010. The grand opening was held on February 16, 2012.
- The northern extension of the Town Boardwalk was completed in spring of 2011. It begins at the Duck Town Park and ends at the Waterfront Shops. It also includes a four-slip transient boat pier.
- The southern extension of the Town Boardwalk was completed in spring 2012.
- The final phase of the Town Boardwalk was completed in Fall 2014