Town Council meetings take place on the first Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. monthly, and the third Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. as needed. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend. Meetings are held at the Paul F. Keller Meeting Hall located at 1200 Duck Road.
Agendas are posted five days before Town Council Meetings. Check back regularly for updates.
The Town Council will hold a Regular Meeting on February 5, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. in the Paul F. Keller Meeting Hall.
In-person attendance by the public is welcome and encouraged. Meetings will be streamed live via YouTube at the link above.
For Comments during the Public Comment agenda item at a regular meeting of the Town Council: A public comment may be submitted in person during the meeting or by emailing by 4:00 p.m. the day before the meeting. This email address is intended only for comments that you wish to be submitted into the public record and not pertaining to a matter to be heard in a public hearing. Please include your name and address. Comments are limited to 3 minutes when read aloud.
For Comments pertaining to a scheduled public hearing for a legislative decision (non-Quasi-Judicial): Any resident or property owner may submit a written comment regarding the matter under consideration to the Town Clerk at least two business days in advance of the hearing and the Clerk will deliver all such written comments to the Town Council prior to the hearing. Comments may be submitted to the Town Clerk, Town of Duck, P.O. Box 8369, Duck, North Carolina 27949, or via e-mail at
For Comments pertaining to a matter to be heard in a Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing (as shown on the agenda): Written comments may be submitted to the Town Clerk, Town of Duck, P.O. Box 8369, Duck, North Carolina 27949, or via e-mail at Per State Statute, only the name and address of persons submitting written comments will be provided to the Town Council prior to or at the hearing.
To email council members directly, please find contact information here.
For questions regarding the meeting itself, please contact Town Manager Drew Havens at
In order to facilitate open communication, the Town of Duck encourages the community to participate in its government. At regularly scheduled meetings of the Town Council, a time of “PUBLIC COMMENT” will be set aside at the beginning and end of each meeting. This is a time for anyone to address the Council on any matter not on the agenda for that meeting. In the interest of time, the Mayor may set and enforce appropriate time limits for comments. During all meetings, courteousness and quiet consideration for all those present is requested.
Another way for the community to share its thoughts and concerns is through participation and attendance at formal “PUBLIC HEARINGS.” When required by law or considered advisable by the Council, a public hearing will be organized by a special order, adopted by a majority vote, setting forth the subject, date, place, and time of the hearing as well as any rules regarding the length of time of each speaker. The Mayor (or Mayor’s Designee) will call the hearing to order, preside over it, and when the allotted time expires (or no one who has not yet spoken wishes to do so), declare the hearing ended.
For more information about the Town of Duck Council, its meetings and rules of procedures, please refer to Town of Duck Ordinance No. 04-04. All members of the Duck Town Council are elected to two-year terms in odd years. The next municipal election will be on Tuesday, November 4, 2025.