Weekly Blotter | Nov. 7-13, 2022

Town of Duck Police Department

1259 Duck Road • Post Office Box 8369
Duck, North Carolina 27949

PHONE (252) 261-1112

FAX (252) 261-2108

Jeffrey E. Ackerman, Chief of Police

Weekly Police Report
November 7th, 2022 – November 13th, 2022
Calls for Service: 259


  • Officers issued 11 traffic enforcement actions during the week. 


  • 151 business checks were made.
  • 8 extra patrols were requested by out-of-town property owners this week.      


  • Trespassing (Duck Road)  

On November 7, 2022, four juveniles were found trespassing on the dock behind Sunset Bar & Grille.  The juveniles were released with a warning.

  • Trespassing (Brandon Court)

On November 13, 2022, a homeowner contacted police after observing suspects trespassing on the property, which is under construction.  The homeowner further reported two “no trespassing” signs stolen from the property.  The suspects have not been identified, but officers are conducting extra patrols of the property.  

  • Civil Dispute (Dune Road)

On November 7, 2022, officers responded to a civil dispute between a homeowner and a construction company concerning contract adherence and money exchanged.  The parties were advised that the civil court system was the appropriate venue for remedy.


  • Duck Road/Spyglass Road

On November 11, 2022, a vehicle rear-ended another vehicle while traffic slowed for a turning vehicle. No injuries were reported.

WEEKLY TRAFFIC VOLUME (As determined by ALPR Detections)

ALPR Camera11-07-2211-08-2211-09-2211-10-2211-11-2211-12-2211-13-22
Northbound: Duck Into Corolla2,1902,1672,3312,1862,0011,7951,407
Southbound: Currituck Into Duck2,3192,1812,2032,2151,8842,2722,055
Northbound: SS Into Duck4,2204,1874,3764,7194,5864,3002,958
Southbound: Duck Into SS3,9413,6933,8123,8473,4853,7853,612
Total Detections12,67012,22812,72212,96711,95612,15210,032
  • 47.9% of the vehicles that entered Duck, passed through to Currituck County this week.